"I designed this training to get you over the rings in simple, yet effective steps. With each lesson you will achieve new skills, build up your strength and understand how an excellence of RMU should look like.
Though the course guides you step by step from scratch to full ring muscle ups, it's good to have some fundamentals to build on. Some ring dips and chest to bar pull-ups are great baseline, but even without them, you may improve your strength and skills using this schooling.
- But wait, can I learn RMUs through the internet?
Well, yes and no.
No, because nothing comes from just watching stuff. You'll need to put some serious work into developing your muscle ups.
Yes, because with the right plan and effort, RMUs are no different from any other skill. I learned a lot from watching videos, and I believe you can do as well. The internet is an endless source of knowledge. It really has everything you need and much more.
Starting CF back in 2014 here in Poland, we had nothing, but a few qualified people to spread the word. I've spent hours looking for valuable information in front of my computer, so I could then try them in the gym. It served me well, and it can do the same for you.
- Yeah, but I'm not very strong and kind of scared of these...
I was never particularly strong or fast or flexible... To get good at functional fitness, I’ve had to look for the most effective ways for each movement. That's how I became very inquisitive and deliberate in my quest for efficiency. Now I want to share that knowledge with you. We'll go step by step and build your skill brick by brick.
Join me in your journey for proficiency in ring muscle ups!"
~Prze Moc (Przemysław Bubiński)
On a good day, you can stack some singles in a workout? Choose part II
The course consists of an effective training plan. Each unit has a full description. You need nontypical exercises to achieve an extraordinary goal. But with this program, you will never be left on your own. Rare exercises are linked with videos and in case of a doubt, you may reach out to me! With the Ring Muscle Up Course, you're buying on-demand online consultation!
Muscle up is complex. Looking at the whole movement your head may spin. In the course, we'll dissect this challenging skill into smaller, bite-size pieces. Learn the basic right, get efficient combining them, then transfer these patterns to the rings.
Each lesson provides explanation, strength building, skill acquisition, and muscle up progression. Your mobility, dynamic, agility and so much more will be addressed!
Sections are linked with each other. Every unit expands on what has been accomplished in prior wods. If you ever get stuck you may simply repeat the part that went so-so.
Buy now for unlimited time access - learn at your own pace!